IRCHLB VII Set for March 2024 - Register Now!

The seventh International Research Conference on Huanglongbing (IRCHLB) will return on March 26-29, 2024, to the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside, California. The conference is sponsored and organized by the Citrus Research Board (CRB), and will bring researchers, regulators, and citrus industry members from around the world together to continue the discussion of tackling the spread of Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and huanglongbing (HLB). The sixth IRCHLB was held in Riverside in 2019 with more than 400 attendees from around the world.
The theme of this year’s conference is “transitioning research to field reality,” and will feature invited keynote speakers to provide research and technical updates regarding the global status of HLB, as well as technical and poster sessions presented by many of the leading researchers from around the world. IRCHLB will also allow these scientists time to foster collaborations to advance their research and discuss notable and emerging ideas.
Registration is now open at or by clicking below, and those who register before December 31, 2023 will receive the early bird rate of $425 USD. The cost per attendee will increase to $550 USD on January 1, 2024.
Please visit for additional conference details. Please contact the Citrus Research Board at [email protected] or call +1 (559) 738-0246 with any questions regarding the conference.