CRB Announces its 2021 Citrus Webinar Series

The Citrus Research Board (CRB), in coordination with the University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program (UC IPM), will hold the first and second webinars of the 2021 CRB Webinar Series on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, and Tuesday, June 8, 2021.
One hour of continuing education units through the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) is pending and available for those in attendance at each webinar.
The series will kick-off on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, with Dr. Greg Douhan, Area Citrus Advisor for Cooperative Extension Tulare County, providing an update to the industry. He will be followed by Mandy Zito, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer for Fresno County Department of Agriculture, who will cover laws and regulations pertaining to pesticides, pest control operations, and worker safety that have gone into effect since 2017.
This webinar is approved for 1-hour of “Laws and Regulations” continuing education units from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) and Certified Crop Advisor (CCA).
Click Here to Register for the June 1 Webinar >
On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, Sonia Rios, Area Subtropical Horticulture Advisor for Cooperative Extension Riverside County, will provide an update to the industry. She will be followed by Dr. Sandipa Gautam, Assistant Research Entomologist at the UC Kearney Agricultural Center, who will cover various topics in citrus IPM. She will cover basic California redscale biology and information about selecting insecticides for organic and conventional treatment for Asian citrus psyllid as well as ants and thrips.
This webinar is approved for 1-hour of “Other” continuing education units from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) and Certified Crop Advisor (CCA).
Click Here to Register for the June 8 Webinar >
On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, Dr. Ben Faber, Regional Farm Advisor for Cooperative Extension Ventura County, will provide an update to the industry. He will be followed by Casey Creamer, President/CEO of California Citrus Mutual, and Austin Ewell, Executive Director of Blueprint. They will discuss the current state of affairs of surrounding California water, activities of the Water Blueprint, and thoughts on how the citrus industry is positioned to deal with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
This webinar is approved for 1-hour of “Other” continuing education units from Certified Crop Advisor (CCA).
Click Here to Register for the June 15 Webinar >
On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, Cindy Fake, Regional Farm Advisor for Cooperative Extension Placer and Nevada Counties, will provide an update to the industry. She will be followed by Dr. Tracy Kahn and Dr. Mike Roose, who will share an update on the results of the multi-location lemon scion and rootstock trials. This will include tree health, tree size, yield per tree and packline data on fruit characteristics.
This webinar is approved for 1-hour of “Other” continuing education units from Certified Crop Advisor (CCA).