Our Research

Next generation sequencing as a CCPP routine diagnostic tool for citrus variety introduction

Project ID:


Principal Investigator:

Georgios Vidalakis

Principal Investigator Affiliation:

University of California, Riverside




  • Fatima Osman
  • Sohrab Bodaghi
  • Irene Lavagi-Craddock
  • Tyler Dang

Start Date:


Estimated Duration:

3 year(s)

Completed Date:


Annual Funding:


This project will develop critical information for the value of next generation sequencing (NGS) as a tool for routine diagnostics in the citrus varieties introduction process. It is generally accepted in the international scientific and regulatory circles that NGS will revolutionize the plant diagnostics and will become the golden standard like it happened in the past with biological indexing (1950-60s), ELISA (1970-80s), PCR (1990-2000s), and qPCR today. As our international partners adopt NGS diagnostic technologies we will need to keep up in pace and when NGS become the standard in diagnostics for international movement of citrus budwood and varieties, California will be ready to access any risks associated with this technology and safely join the movement of what is becoming an internationally harmonized model for quarantine citrus diagnostics.

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