Our Research

Field Testing to Identify Elite Rootstocks that can Mitigate or Prevent HLB in Scions Commercially I

Project ID:


Principal Investigator:

Jude Grosser

Principal Investigator Affiliation:

University of Florida




  • Kim Bowman
  • Fred Gmitter

Start Date:


Estimated Duration:

5 year(s)

Completed Date:


Annual Funding:


The desired outcome is to identify and commercially release rootstock(s) that can be used to grow the most important commercial citrus scions sustainably and profitably in an HLB endemic environment, without excessive chemical sprays that are probably unsustainable in the long run. We intend to subsequently establish parallel rootstock trials in CA and TX to determine horticultural performance in the various environments, simultaneously to the Florida HLB evaluations. Development and implementation of non-GMO rootstock(s) that can mitigate or prevent HLB with all important commercial citrus scions is considered the ultimate solution to the HLB problem.