Our Research

DATOC (Data Analysis and Tactical Operations Center)

Project ID:


Principal Investigator:

Neil McRoberts

Principal Investigator Affiliation:

University of California, Davis




  • Richard Dunn

Start Date:


Estimated Duration:

4 year(s)

Completed Date:


Annual Funding:


As the HLB situation in California evolves over time, there is a need for disease management efforts to be constantly re-evaluated, a service DATOC provides. This generates new questions about how the program could be configured and which activities are likely to produce useful and cost-effective outcomes. DATOC provides a pool of scientific expertise available to be called upon to tackle those difficult questions for the ultimate benefit of the citrus industry. This analytical capacity, which is supported by our function as a data warehouse, is available to any legitimate stakeholder in the industry within the bounds of privacy regulations mandated by CDFA.

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